
is a country in the continent of Asia with a population of 9,956,011 habitants. The capital of Jordan is Amman.
Members: 25 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,180 postcards
Received: 942 postcards
Ranking: 132nd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Jordan

Most active members

1. mustafatell, Jordan Postcrossing Supporter mustafatell
254 postcards sent
2. MishuMathu, Jordan MishuMathu
179 postcards sent
3. lissabel, Jordan lissabel
105 postcards sent
4. pharfar, Jordan pharfar
43 postcards sent
5. chuppy, Jordan chuppy
42 postcards sent
6. Mervat, Jordan Mervat
34 postcards sent
7. DaraMarji, Jordan DaraMarji
17 postcards sent
8. talab, Jordan talab
14 postcards sent
9. eidasazali, Jordan eidasazali
8 postcards sent
10. mariazpost, Jordan mariazpost
7 postcards sent

Random members

pharfar, Jordan mustafatell, Jordan
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